Wedding planners

Wedding on the beach, Cannes

In the happiest day of any couple cannot be anything at random, the experience of the Group created in singular events provide ideas for the wedding becomes an event unique and irreplaceable. The objective is that the couple can enjoy a day so special with the family and guests knowing that somebody takes care for their interests.

The wedding venue is one of the most significant factors of a wedding as it provides the base for an authentic theme wedding. Hence, be it in a Domaine – Château or private mediterranean beach , our wedding planner at noori’s shall book the most desired venue for your wedding.

One wife, one life
  • Restaurants and lounges of wedding
  • Unique spaces
  • Civil weddings
  • Catering for weddings
  • Wedding invitations
  • Original ideas
  • Photography and video
  • Music and animation
  • Bride's bouquet and floral decoration